Software Developers: Follow These 20 Email Writing Tips to Prevent Emotion-Fueled Actions

The Importance of Emotion Management in the Workplace

As a software engineer, you face many challenges in your work life, from tight deadlines to difficult coding problems. But one challenge that's often overlooked is the emotional toll that your job can take on you. Emotions can run high, particularly when dealing with frustrating coding issues, or when receiving a critical email from a colleague or client. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of handling your emotions as a software engineer and responding to emails rationally.

The Importance of Emotion Management in the Workplace

As a software engineer, it's important to understand that your emotions can have a significant impact on your work performance. Uncontrolled emotions can lead to impulsiveness, which can negatively affect your ability to think critically and make rational decisions. They can also lead to conflicts with colleagues, clients or managers, which can damage relationships and hinder collaboration.

Therefore, it's important to learn how to manage your emotions, particularly when communicating through email, which is often the primary mode of communication in the tech industry.

Tips for Handling Your Emotions When Responding to Emails

  1. Take a Break: If you receive an email that triggers an emotional response, take a break before responding. Go for a walk, do some deep breathing exercises, or engage in a relaxing activity to calm down before you reply. This will allow you to approach the situation with a clear and rational mindset.

  2. Read the Email Carefully: Make sure you fully understand the content of the email before responding. Read it multiple times, and if necessary, ask for clarification. This will help you to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that your response is appropriate and accurate.

  3. Use Neutral Language: Use neutral language in your response, avoiding any language that could be interpreted as aggressive or confrontational. Stick to the facts and avoid personalizing the situation.

  4. Respond Empathetically: Even if the email is critical or negative, try to understand the sender's perspective and respond empathetically. Acknowledge their concerns and offer a solution or a way to move forward.

  5. Keep Your Tone Positive: Your tone can influence the recipient's response, so it's important to keep it positive and professional. Avoid sarcasm or snarky comments and focus on offering a solution to the issue at hand.

  6. Avoid Escalating the Situation: Avoid escalating the situation by responding in a defensive or aggressive manner. Instead, try to resolve the issue through a calm and professional approach.

  7. Seek Support: If you're struggling to manage your emotions, don't be afraid to seek support from a colleague or manager. They may be able to offer advice or support to help you handle the situation more effectively.

Here are 20 tips to consider before writing that angry email response:

  1. Use a professional email address: Ensure your email address reflects your professionalism, ideally using your full name or a professional username.

  2. Start with a greeting: Begin your email with a greeting, addressing the recipient by name. If unsure, use a formal greeting like "Dear" followed by their title and last name.

  3. Use a clear and concise subject line: Your email subject should be descriptive and specific, allowing the recipient to understand what the email is about at a glance.

  4. Keep your message brief: Get to the point quickly, and avoid including unnecessary information. Long emails can be overwhelming and often get ignored.

  5. Use bullet points and subheadings: Break down your message into smaller, more manageable chunks, using bullet points, subheadings or numbered lists to help the recipient quickly identify key points.

  6. Check your grammar and spelling: Ensure your email is free of spelling and grammatical errors. These errors can reflect poorly on your professionalism and damage your credibility.

  7. Address the recipient correctly: Use the appropriate title and address the recipient by their name, being careful to spell it correctly.

  8. Be courteous and professional: Remember to be polite and courteous, even if you're emailing someone you disagree with or have had a conflict with.

  9. Use a professional tone: Keep your language professional and avoid using slang, jargon or overly casual language. You want to convey competence and professionalism at all times.

  10. Be mindful of cultural differences: Different cultures may have different expectations regarding email communication. Do your research if necessary and adapt your email accordingly.

  11. Be aware of tone and body language: Without the benefit of verbal communication or body language, email can be easily misinterpreted. Be mindful of your tone and use clear language to avoid any misunderstandings.

  12. Follow up appropriately: If you haven't received a response to your email, wait a reasonable amount of time before following up. Use a polite, professional tone in your follow-up email.

  13. Avoid using all caps: Writing in all caps can come across as shouting and is generally considered unprofessional.

  14. Use a signature: Include a professional email signature that includes your full name, title, and contact information.

  15. Don't assume familiarity: Be careful not to assume too much familiarity with the recipient, especially if you don't know them very well.

  16. Proofread and edit: Before sending, proofread your email thoroughly, looking for errors in grammar, spelling, and tone.

  17. Keep your formatting simple: Use a simple font, avoid excessive bolding or underlining, and keep your email format consistent.

  18. Avoid using humor: Humor is subjective and can easily be misinterpreted. Unless you know the recipient well, it's best to avoid humor altogether.

  19. Use a polite closing: Sign off your email politely, using phrases like "Sincerely" or "Best regards".

  20. Respect confidentiality: Always be mindful of confidentiality, ensuring you're not sharing sensitive information with the wrong person, or breaking company policies.


As a software engineer, managing your emotions is a crucial skill that can help you navigate the challenges of the workplace. When responding to emails, it's important to approach the situation with a clear and rational mindset, using neutral language, and keeping your tone positive and professional. Remember, emotions can be a powerful tool when used constructively, so take the time to manage your emotions effectively to achieve success in your work and build positive relationships with your colleagues and clients.